


Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

How to Scout with Protoss in PvZ when you Fast Expand

I have to clarify this matter to a lot of Protoss gamers out there who claimed that it is impossible to scout the Zerg player if you go for a Forge Fast Expo build. People claimed that Protoss will be playing in total blind when fast expanding. THIS IS TOTALLY WRONG. It is absolutely possible to scout the Zerg when you are fast expanding.

Let's have a look at the PvZ matchup. The most common starting build is basically a Fast Expanding Build and Gateway Expand. Here we are not referring to any one basing all in cheese builds. Why is FFE so commonly seen in high level games? Pro gamers prefer this opening compared Gateway first for its strong economic advantage gained. Having two Nexus with Chrono Boost puts you toe to toe with the Zerg player in terms of worker economic. However, FFE are vulnerable to all in builds such as Baneling bust and Roach Ling all in if left unscouted.

So How do You scout Zerg when you are FFE?

1. With your Probe
This is the most commonly used scouting method previously. You will Scout with your 9/10 Probe after planting down the Pylon. This is to determine the Zerg's opening whether if he is fast expanding or 6 Pooling. If the Zerg is expanding go ahead and Expand yourself or Cannon rush him if your confident. Normally the first Probe will be use to determine how many Zerglings pop up and run it back to your base if being chased by the Zerlings. Your first Probe will not gather you enough information after the Zerglings are out. A SECOND Probe is often times being sent out and hidden somewhere for the next scout. 

2. With your first 1 or 2 Zealots
Scouting with 1 or 2 Chrono Boosted Zealots is getting very common nowadays. These units are able to determine how many units the Zerg have at this point and most likely scout around the Zerg's base for their build. They can be positioned between mineral line for most efficient damage dealing while not being surrounded by Zerlings.

Things to Look For

This is the important parts in scouting what build the Zerg is going with your Zealots / Probe. Every small indication can tell you what the Zerg is doing.

1.Let's start with the basic first. Scout if the Zerg cancel his expansion and any Roach or Baneling Nest if you are able to make it into their base. Pay attention if the Zerg continues to mine Gas. This will indicated a fast tech build. You can scout the third base position of the Zerg.

2. Pay attention to the number of units the Zerg have. If you send over your first Zealot and being intercepted by an abnormal amount of Zerlings or even Roaches, your opponent is very likely to pressure or even all in you. Put down more Cannons and fully wall off. However good players, will hide their Roaches and let the Zerlings kill the scout.

3. Pay attention to the number of Drones.The saturation at the Zerg's natural. Sometimes you can even catch the Drones transferring to third if you are lucky. This is very common.

In the screenshot above, my Zealot is able to walk all the way across the map scouting only 2 Zerglings on its way. This indicate the Zerg is either getting a fast third or teching.

I managed to catch a glimpse of the Drone transferring which means a 3rd base is up.

Some players like Kiwikaki even put down 2 Gateways and Chrono Boost out 6 Zealots sending them to the third.

From the information you have gained, proceed with whatever best feasible strategies that you want. Thus, Zealot scouting is one of the best to exploit the weakness of Forge Fast Expanding and any little information you can gain will put you ahead.

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