


Jumat, 30 September 2011

Top 10 Hottest Video Game Female from Final Fantasy

This post will be introducing to you Top 10 of the Hottest Video Game Female from the world of Final Fantasy. If you are a huge fan of the video game by Square Enix, you should be looking forward who will be voted as the top 3 here. I will be taking the female characters from Final Fantasy 1 all the way to the final installment of the ongoing series, Final Fantasy 13. I am a fanatic of Final Fantasy and have personally played nearly all of the game titles from the old Snes titles, Playstation, PS2, PS3 and even some of the Nintendo DS titles. This is just my personal preference and everyone would have a different opinion on who should rank the top. Without further babbling lets get the interesting and sexiness started.

10. Terra Branford - FF VI 

Lets start the list with Terra from FFVI or III from the old Snes title. Terra will always be one of the best female lead character in FF. Although this title is one of the oldest title, Square Enix has spawn a couple of remake for it.

9. Quistis Trepe - FF VIII

The dangerous and female instructor from FF8. Quistis is most notable for her teacher look with a dangerous whip. You wouldn't want to mess with her. Her name is pronounced as 'Kiss-Tiss'.

8. Rinoa Heartilly - FFVIII

Rinoa from FF 8 is probably most notable for her trademarked angel wings. Rinoa symbolizes purity and spots an angelic feature. She is the love interest of Squall Lionhart.

7. Fran - FF XII

Fran, a Viera from the Eruyt Village. A sexy girl in a leotard with bunny ears. Now were talking. Leaving her village 50 years ago to explore the world of Ivalice, Fran has somehow ended as the sidekick and girlfriend of the skypirate Balthier.

6. Oerba Dia Vanille - FF XIII

Vanille from the village of Oerba, the mysterious red haired girl with her cheerful personality and spots an innocent look on her face. 

5. Rikku - FF X / X-2

The bubbly and lively Al Bhed from FF X and X-2. Rikku had a huge makeover in X-2 spotting some sexy and skimpy dress. If you want to see Rikku in different dresses go ahead and try out X-2 for its Dressphere feature where you can change the character's class and dress..... Since when did Final Fantasy turned into some Barbie like girl game?

4. Lulu - FF X

Our little guardian of Miss Yuna accompanying Yuba on her pilgrimage. Lulu is an interesting character spotting some hot and sexy look and most notable her low cut fur dress, the cute Moogle doll and most of all the sexy mole below her mouth. Lulu is definitely one of the sexier designed character in FF.

3. Lightning - Claire Farron - FF XIII

We are here finally at the top 3. One of the toughest and kickass female protagonist in the latest installment featured on Playstation 3. I have my sister asked my when I am playing FF13. Why is the lead character to manly? I was like lol, she's just being cool. It's always fun playing through the game as Lightning trying to save her cute little sister, Sarah from the curse of the L'cie.

2. Yuna - FF X

At number two we have Miss Yuna from FF X whospots the kimono alike outfit. Enjoy the journey with her throughout the game in her pilgrimage to save the world. Yuna's look took a 180 degree complete makeover from being a soft spoken and good little girl look into some quite revealing outfit and playful personality. The reason for this change came after Yuna had removed herself the burden of saving her world.

1. Tifa Lockhart - FF 7
Finally we're here at the number one spot. Final Fantasy 7 is probably the best video game made during its days and probably the best of the Final Fantasy series. If you have played this title, who can ever forget Sephiroth, the best looking and designed villain of all time and the sweet looking Tifa. Tifa got a huge boost from Final Fantasy Advent Children anime featuring some huge tits and kick ass look. Tifa will always be my favourite character in Final Fantasy.

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Unknown mengatakan...
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Unknown mengatakan...

Yuna is the best choice of yours! She is the best! also Rikku and Vanille!

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