


Jumat, 09 September 2011

Latest Update on PTR - Infestor Nerfed Again

This is the latest update for the SC2 Public Testing Region.

Infestor’s Neural Parasite can no longer target Massive units.
 Zerg had another round of nerf in the form of Infestor. Previously, in the current PTR, Fungal Growth damage has been reduced from 36 (+30% armored) to 30 (40 vs Armored). Now Infestor can no longer Neural Parasite massive units. This change is indeed huge as they can no longer steals Massive units such as Thors, Colossus, Archons and massive air units such as Carriers, BattleCruisers and

This change is probably aim to nerf the Zerg late game against Protoss. Protoss has been having a hard time currently in the matchup as it is favouring Zergs. Late game Neural on the Colossi is indeed very strong and game breaking. Let's see that will this change follow through into the real patch 1.4.0

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