


Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Undefeated PvT Proxy Robo 2 Immortal All in

This time I will be revealing a very strong and near undefeated build order that I am constantly use during my online game plays against Grandmaster Terrans. This build mainly revolves around setting a proxy Robotics Facility near enough the Terran's base while being out of his vision and tower sights. This is an all in build. Thus, if you are not into allins turn back now. But I have to make a note here, a lot of players are against all ins but I am perfectly fine with this. All ins are used to exploit a certain part of the game itself. You always see the professional gamers all in as this is also a part of the strategy.

Due to the metagame favouring towards a more heavy macro oriented builds in general, 1 Barracks into expansion is probably one of the most common builds on larger maps such as Tel'darim Altar, Antiga Shipyard, Shakuras Plateau and others. Thus, we can use this to our advantage in exploiting build order advantage. Let's take for example where going a 15 Nexus against Terran is very very risky and basically suicide against 1 Gas Terrans as you can just die to 1 basing play from Terrans such as Maruaders and Hellion pushes.

First of all let's take a look at this Immortal build. Immortals deal insane amount of damage to Bunkers. With 2-3 Force Fields you can break the Terran defense with ease. This build works perfectly when the Terran is going for a Gasless 1 Barracks Expo. Thus, we will be scouting at 9 food after Pylon. On maps such as Tel'darim Altar, Antiga Shipyard you can scout 2 locations and knowing perfectly if the Terran is grabbing his gas. As for the third spot, you Probe will see the expansion if he is expoing.

Thus, before we go for this build, always confirm the Terran is going Gasless.

Build Order
9 Pylon > Scout

10 >Chrono Boost Probes once
13 Gate
Chrono Probes
15 Gas
16 Pylon
18 Core
19 Gas
22 Stalker>Sentry
23 Proxy Pylon (Use your scouting Probe to build this and then a Robo)
2 more Gates (3 Total)
Robo done>Chrono Boost out 2 Immortals instantly
You can also put down a 4th Gateway after you have 2-3 Immortals
Proceed to bust the Terran base and watch him rage.

- Place your Stalker and Sentry at the ramp outside your expansion to deny any scouting SCVs.
- Your army mix should be 2 Immortals, 2-3 Sentries, 2-3 Stalkers, and 2-3 Zealots.
- Pull back your army once you lose your Zealots and go again after your next round of warpin
- Continue to Chrono Immortals from your Robo
- Be careful when the Terran chooses to pull his SCVs. Always kite back as SCVs are really good at tanking Immortals and Stalkers while he has his bio shooting at your army.
- Always micro  your army.
- When the Terran scans trying to know why do you grab such an early 2nd Gas, he will only sees the 3 Gate and thus thinking its a 3 Gate push heading his way.
- Against Terran that goes for 4 Barracks Marines after expanding, Warp in Stalkers and keep kiting.

I am near undefeated using this Proxy Robo 2 Immortal All in at the moment. It works perfectly from Bronze to Grandmasters level. Let me know what do you think.

Here's some replays.


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