


Jumat, 30 September 2011

Top 10 Hottest Video Game Female from Final Fantasy

This post will be introducing to you Top 10 of the Hottest Video Game Female from the world of Final Fantasy. If you are a huge fan of the video game by Square Enix, you should be looking forward who will be voted as the top 3 here. I will be taking the female characters from Final Fantasy 1 all the way to the final installment of the ongoing series, Final Fantasy 13. I am a fanatic of Final Fantasy and have personally played nearly all of the game titles from the old Snes titles, Playstation, PS2, PS3 and even some of the Nintendo DS titles. This is just my personal preference and everyone would have a different opinion on who should rank the top. Without further babbling lets get the interesting and sexiness started.

10. Terra Branford - FF VI 

Lets start the list with Terra from FFVI or III from the old Snes title. Terra will always be one of the best female lead character in FF. Although this title is one of the oldest title, Square Enix has spawn a couple of remake for it.

9. Quistis Trepe - FF VIII

The dangerous and female instructor from FF8. Quistis is most notable for her teacher look with a dangerous whip. You wouldn't want to mess with her. Her name is pronounced as 'Kiss-Tiss'.

8. Rinoa Heartilly - FFVIII

Rinoa from FF 8 is probably most notable for her trademarked angel wings. Rinoa symbolizes purity and spots an angelic feature. She is the love interest of Squall Lionhart.

7. Fran - FF XII

Fran, a Viera from the Eruyt Village. A sexy girl in a leotard with bunny ears. Now were talking. Leaving her village 50 years ago to explore the world of Ivalice, Fran has somehow ended as the sidekick and girlfriend of the skypirate Balthier.

6. Oerba Dia Vanille - FF XIII

Vanille from the village of Oerba, the mysterious red haired girl with her cheerful personality and spots an innocent look on her face. 

5. Rikku - FF X / X-2

The bubbly and lively Al Bhed from FF X and X-2. Rikku had a huge makeover in X-2 spotting some sexy and skimpy dress. If you want to see Rikku in different dresses go ahead and try out X-2 for its Dressphere feature where you can change the character's class and dress..... Since when did Final Fantasy turned into some Barbie like girl game?

4. Lulu - FF X

Our little guardian of Miss Yuna accompanying Yuba on her pilgrimage. Lulu is an interesting character spotting some hot and sexy look and most notable her low cut fur dress, the cute Moogle doll and most of all the sexy mole below her mouth. Lulu is definitely one of the sexier designed character in FF.

3. Lightning - Claire Farron - FF XIII

We are here finally at the top 3. One of the toughest and kickass female protagonist in the latest installment featured on Playstation 3. I have my sister asked my when I am playing FF13. Why is the lead character to manly? I was like lol, she's just being cool. It's always fun playing through the game as Lightning trying to save her cute little sister, Sarah from the curse of the L'cie.

2. Yuna - FF X

At number two we have Miss Yuna from FF X whospots the kimono alike outfit. Enjoy the journey with her throughout the game in her pilgrimage to save the world. Yuna's look took a 180 degree complete makeover from being a soft spoken and good little girl look into some quite revealing outfit and playful personality. The reason for this change came after Yuna had removed herself the burden of saving her world.

1. Tifa Lockhart - FF 7
Finally we're here at the number one spot. Final Fantasy 7 is probably the best video game made during its days and probably the best of the Final Fantasy series. If you have played this title, who can ever forget Sephiroth, the best looking and designed villain of all time and the sweet looking Tifa. Tifa got a huge boost from Final Fantasy Advent Children anime featuring some huge tits and kick ass look. Tifa will always be my favourite character in Final Fantasy.

Kamis, 29 September 2011

The Best Protoss Gamers in SC2 Now!!


Protoss President oGsMC feel from the top of the food chain and found himself a bottomless pit dropping from a league after another into Code B. MC who was once the best Protoss gamer in the world is no longer near his invisible form he once was. Popularize and revolutionize the gameplay of Protoss, MC has led the Aiur's pack into what was deemed a broken race in the early release of Starcraft 2. MC created builds such as 6 Gate all in against Terrans, Stargate Void Ray and Phoenix mix against Zergs, 3 Gate Stargate in PvTs and fascinate the fans with the best Force Field usage the world has ever seen. MC's understanding in the
game itself is second to none and having one of the best micro in the world. MC's previous GSL run has spot him with as high as 70% win ratio for all the matchups and an impressive 80%+ win rates for PvP.

However, MC was once a God and the most fearsome SC2 player of all time is no longer who he once was. Finding himself in Code B seems to be the bottom of his carrier. MC just loses and loses. Will MC's slump ever end? Who knows. MC will definitely be determined to regain his throne once again and had been spotting training harder then ever.

NsHoSeoSage and TSLJYP are the Best Protoss Currently

If i am given a vote on who is the best Protoss player currently, I will definitely go for both Sage (left) and JYP (right). Both of these players have shown new styles of playing Protoss in the current metagame which seems to be favouring both the Terran and Zerg races. What was once seem invisible Protoss Deathball no longer works. The other races has found ways to break the Protoss race. In general, Protoss has been designed to be a very linear race. What this means is that Protoss do not have the luxury of building a Gazillion units at once like Zerg, insane Droning ability, calling down the Imbalance MULE from heaven when you only have 5 SCVs and multi prong attacks.

However, Sage has shown everyone that all these are untrue. First popularize the Zealot, Phoenix and High Templar build in PvZ which closely resembles the Bisu build in the old Brood War days, now Sage and JYP have implement more heavily towards the haressment style of Protoss. The main reason why is this possible, is due to the increase buff of Warp Prism. What was once a paper plane is so much more durable now. Colossus was once deemed the core unit of the Protoss Deathball has seen less and less play. Players are favouring towards Gateway heavy units. The main reason is due to their cheaper cost and faster reinforcement. With Warp Prism plays, units can be Warped anywhere on the map for multi prong attacks.

Another main reason why both Sage and JYP are the best Protoss currently is due to their game sense. Have you ever watch how Sage scouts? You will be amazed. Sage scouts everything. You can never hide anything from Sage as he has eyes every where on the map. The most important aspect in SC2 is knowing what your opponent is doing. This is core of every Real Time Strategy Games RTS. Sage is more of a macro style with haress style while JYP is an expert in timing plays.

In the end, everyone is having their eyes on both JYP and Sage who are deemed the last hope for Protoss. Their games are being analyzed and their strategies are being copied. In the end, it is time for Protoss to once again regain the title of being fearsome race we once was. Other Protoss worth mentioning are LiquidHero, EGHuk and SlayersPuzzle.

Who says Protoss can't win games in GSL. Go and watch GSTL between TSL and Prime Top 4 GSL on 29/9/2011 on GomTV. A must watch if you want to learn how to break PvZ under the hands of TSLJYP.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Protoss after 1.40 in Starcraft II

Its been a long time since the last time I posted here. Sorry guys, I was kinda busy with my life. Anyway Patch 1.4 has been up for some time. What do you guys think about the new patch and its implication of the game itself. Just to recap some of the major changes here.

1. Warp Prism Buff
2. Immortal Range 6 from 5
3. Blink 110 to 140

1. Neural Parasite Range 9 to 7
2. Fungal Growth reduced damage

1.Hellion nerf. Requires 3 shots to kill workers.

General Vision up ramp reduced by 1.

All in all the new patch 1.4 does not introduced any huge changes to the game itself. However, we have seen more uses of both Immortals and Warp Prism by Protoss players from pro levels all the way down to the lower leagues. Warp Prism is so much more durable now compared to being just a paper plane previously. Warp Prism is able to survive from Marines and Queens much longer.
With the increase usage of this unit, Protoss players are able to haress more efficiently attacking two or three bases at once. I have seen oGsHero pulled out impressive three prong attacks against his opponents. Beware, you need good micro to manage all three fronts.

The increase range of Immortal is really a huge buff in the early to mid game Protoss ball. 3 Gate Robo all in against Terran is very common and really strong now. If you have not tried this build, go ahead and test it against the poor expanding Terrans. Just do not charge up the ramp if the Terran has a well fortified ramp. On the other hand, Immortals performed impressively in the PvZ matchup. I personally am a huge fan of 6/7 Gate Immortal/Stalkers and Sentries all in against Zergs. This build will often times end the game if your opponent is going for the Roach build. Immortals no longer get stuck behind your army and deals crazy damage to Roaches now.

Another huge change is the current metagame of PvP matchup. I have played a couple PvP games and 4 Gate is seldom being pull off as often due to the reduction of vision range. Now, expanding in PvP is very common and will often times last longer than previously pre patch. Blink nerf played a significant role here. Players are testing out a wider range of builds including using the Stargate for Phoenix haress. Gone were the days of 4 Gating. However, 4 Gate can still work. Do not come back here and whine that you just lost to a 4 Gater.

In conclusion, this patch buff the Protoss race by only a small margin. Protoss players around the world continue to have trouble against the Zerg and Terrans at the highest level of Pro Gaming. With the increase usage of Warp Prism, Protoss continue to explore more variations in their gameplays instead of focusing in the late game Death Ball army which no longer works. It seems that all Protoss are turning into whiners now lol. Kinda reminds me of Zerg during the early game release of Sc2. It's sad to see Protoss continue to fall out of GSL one after another. There seems to be no much hope left. We need new heroes that can lead Aiur back to the glory days once again.

For Aiur~~

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Godaddy Web Hosting is Pure Trash

This may be very very relevant for any of you who are interested in setting up a new gaming website or anything of your interest in the future. My advice here. Never ever go for GoDaddy hosting. They are pure trash and worthless. I have my other Wordpress blogs hosted there and the services is terribly bad. Loading a page will often takes as long as 20 seconds or more(which is very normal) and some times it even time out very often. I got really sick with them and will change my hosting to others asap. This is a nightmare experience for me as they are my first web hosting company.

Even though you can hear a read a lot of comments about them like how big they are, try Googling for terms like 'godaddy slow', 'godaddy bad service', 'godaddy trash' and the list goes on forever. Thus, if you are thinking of creating a new website, never ever host with them please. You do not want to go through the same nightmare as me. Their services is worthless.I am currently using the Shared Hosting Linux server. Godaddy automatically sets your server into Singapore if you are from Asia. My websites takes forever to load. Sigh. The worst experience I have.


Senin, 19 September 2011

Protoss a Dead Race?

BREAKING NEWS!!! oGsMC and Slayers_Alicia are out of Code A. Today march the dead of the Protoss race in Starcraft 2 online game. Professional Protoss gamers continue to fall out of GSL left and right. This time around even the Protoss President himself oGsMC and even the best PvT player Slayers_Alicia (claimed by Artosis) are out of Code A. Protoss misery continue one after another. Will there be any end to this Armageddon?

With two of the best Protoss players around the world falling down to Code B, Aiur seems to be in a deadly plague. The GSL is currently being dominated by Terrans and to a lesser extend Zerg gamers. Protoss seems to occupy only a tiny minority of the valueble spots.

It hurts to see Protoss players continue to underperform in the current metagame. As we all know, Terran is probably the best race in the metagame currently. Terran gamers have the tools to exp
loit both the macro and micro aspect of the game. From haress to macroing through MULEs, Terran players continue to dominate the game.

Is it that the current Protoss players are stuck in the past? From the design point of view in the game itself, Protoss race seems to be too linear. What this means is that Protoss is a race that are too predictable. Protoss players seems to be favouring the Colossus/ Archon builds for quite some time now. There is no denying that the Protoss deathball is indeed fearsome and deadly, however, Protoss gameplays are too predictable.

Let's take an example in the PvZ matchup, Protoss gamers tend to open with a 3 Gate into expansion (if Zerg Gas Pool) or 1 Gate expansion (gasless Hatchery) builds. These are too predictable. Currently in the metagame, Stargate is a very common follow up, with Void Rays and Phoenixes. Zerg can safely assume the Protoss build with well timed scouting.

Is it that Protoss players are being stuck in the past such as one or two bases all in and sticking to the Protoss Deathball builds? I do not agree with this. Protoss players continue to innovate with the metagame creating new macro builds with the usage of heavy Gateway armies. Warp Prism is seeing more plays lately in the hands of NsHoSeoSage, Puzzle and LiquidHero. Warp Prism is one of the unexplored unit in the Starcraft 2 game with huge potentials in the future.

Let's hope that Blizzard continue to do their job in releasing the upcoming 1.4.0 patch as soon as possible. The upcoming patch is slightly favouring Protoss gamers.

Will we see more Protoss gamers falling out of GSL? There seems to be no hopes left in this game. Why don't Blizzard just create Starcraft 2 with just the Terran and Zerg races?

Let's hope that the deadly plague will end. Our hopes rely in the hands of pro gamers such as Puzzle, LiquidHero, Sage and Huk.

For Aiur!!

Selasa, 13 September 2011

oGsMC is Streaming His Games!!

World best Protoss player in SC2, oGsMC is currently streaming his online games. Watch how the Protoss President rip the Korean online server. A must watch for every Protoss player or MC's fan. Learn directly from the first person view of the Grandmaster himself. Watch how MC micros, make decision and MC Force Fields.


Here's the stream.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Soulman / Master (SEA GM Rank 1/Korea GM Top 200) Replays

Soulman / Master holds the Rank 1 Grandmasters in the SEA online game server and Top 200 Grandmasters in the Korean game server. Soulman was an ex member of the professional gaming team fOu (For Our Utopia which is currently known as FXO Korea). He is a top tiered Protoss and has climbed the SEA ranks with ease. Currently he has joined team SPR, a Korean clan from the SEA server. This is a replay pack that I had gotten from him.





Sabtu, 10 September 2011

GSL August Code S Results

GSL August Code S Finals 
IMMvP wins GSL August Code S. Two time GSL champion MvP added yet another title into this already impressive resume. MvP will be joining his teammate IMNestea with each having three GSL wins.

IMMvP 4-1 oGsTop

GSL August Code S RO 4 Semifinals Results

 IMMvP and oGsTop made it into the GSL August Code S Finals. Top has defeated the GSL Super Tournament winner, PoltPrime with a convincing 3-1 record. At the other side of the semifinals, two times GSL champion IMMvP won his match over the legendary Broodwar player STJuly. MvP is just another match win away from claiming his third GSL title. Or will the rookie oGsTop dethrones the champion and taking the championship back for his team, oGs? We will be looking forward for an epic match between the two Terran behemoths. Let's hope that the curse of an one sided Code S finals will end. IMMvP or oGsTop?

oGsTop 3 -1 OptimusPrime
IMMvP 3-1 STJuly

GSL August Code S RO 8 Day 2 Results

Two time GSL Champion IMMvP made EGHuk look like a Diamond noob. 3-0 straight wins by the champion. Huk may have been having some trouble training as he has been traveling around the world participating in other major International SC2 tournaments. July Zerg shows everyone why  he is the Golden Mouse winner in Brood war by winning an extremely close series against Ryung. Thanks to July we will not be having an all Terran GSL Semifinals. The semifinals of GSL August Code S will be between 3 Terrans and a Zerg.

IMMvP 3-0 EGHuk
ST_July 3-2 Slayers_Ryung

GSL August Code S RO 8 Day 1 Results

Both players from MVP were knocked out by their respective opponents. Blizzcon winner MVPGenius once again failed to advance into the semifinals. Genius has always been a strong Code S contender within the top 16 and top 8. However, it seems that Genius does not have the luck to get further. Better luck next time. Polt once again make it into the semifinals. Will Polt wins his second GSL?

OptimusPrime 3-1 MVPKeen
oGsTop 3-1 MVPGenius

GSL August Code S RO 16 Day 2 Results

Artosis and Tasteless managed to convinced everyone in the SC2 community that Nestea is indeed a God. However, after today's loss to teammate MvP, this remind us that Nestea is still a mere mortal in the realm of men. Huk takes down the legendary Broodwar pro gamer Nada. Game 3 of their match was a weird one. Nada went for a 4 Barracks all in while Huk opted for a fast Dark Templar. We can predict the outcome here. July proved that he is still a force to be reckon with after 2-0 HongUn. 

IMNestea 0-2 IMMvP
EGHuk 2-1 oGsNada
ZenexPuzzle 0-2 Slayers_Ryung
HongUnPrime 0-2 ST_July

GSL August Code S RO 16 Day 1 Results

SlayersMMA and STBomber have been knocked out. Both of these players are the favourite to win their matches but today is just not their day. MMA's opponent OptimusPrime or previously known as PoltPrime played incredibly well. His games today were magnificent. On the other hand, MVPKeen surprised everyone by defeated Bomber convincingly. Keen's game today is so refined and top notched. Bomber who has over 70% win rates in TvT lost in the end of the very exciting series. oGsTop took down long time Code S gamer and teammate oGsZenio in long macro war games. Finally, our Blizzcon winner MVPGenius proves that he is still in shape and Protoss can still beat Terrans.

SlayersMMA T 1-2 OptimusPrime T
ST_Bomber T 1-2 MVPKeen T
oGsZenio Z 1-2 oGsTop T
MVPGenius P 2-1 STVirus T

GSL August Code S Results Day 3

Group G
HongUn P vs STVirus T
TSLClide T vs oGsSupernova T
STVirus T vs TSLClide T
HongUn P vs oGsSupernova T
TSLClide T vs HongUn P

Group G Standings
1. STVirus
2. HongUn
3. TSLClide
4. oGsSupernova

Group H
IMLosira Z vs oGsEnsnare T
STJuly Z vs MVPGenius P
oGsEnsnare T vs STJuly Z
IMLosira Z vs MVPGenius P
MVPGenius P vs oGsEnsnare T

Group H Standings
1. STJuly
2. MVPGenius
3. oGsEnsnare
4. IMLosira

GSL August Code S Results Day 3

Group C
STBomber T vs STViolet Z
LiquidHuk P vs TSLKiller P
STBOMBer T vs LiquidHuk P
TSLKIller P vs STViolet Z
STBomber T vs LiquidHuk P
LiquidHUk P vs TSLKIller P

Group C Standings
1. STBomber 2-0
2. LiquidHuk 2-1
3. TSLKiller 1-2
4. STViolet 0-2

Group E

ZenexByun T vs oGsZenio Z
ZenexPuzzle P vs asd T
oGsZenio Z vs asd T
ZenexByun T vs ZenexPuzzleP
ZenexPuzzle P vs asd T

Group E Standings
1. oGsZenio 2-0
2. ZenexPuzzle 2-1
3. ZenexByun 1-2
4. asd 0-2

Group F
STTrickster P vs SlayersRyung T
TSLAlive T vs oGsTop T
TSLAlive T vs SlayersRyung T
STTrickster P vs oGsTop T
TSLAlive T vs oGsTop T

Group F Standings
1. SlayersRyung 2-0
2. oGsTop 2-1
3. TSLAlive 1-2
4. STTrickster 0-2

GSL August Code S Results Day 2
Group D
ZenexCoca Z vs MVPKeen T
oGsNada T vs SlayersAlicia P
oGsNada T vs ZenexCoca Z
SlayersAlicia P vs MVPKeen T
ZenexCoca Z vs MVPKeen T

Group D Standings
1. oGsNada
2. MVPKeen
3. ZenexCoca
4. SlayersAlicia

GSL August Code S Results Day 1

SlayersMMA placed first in Group A after defeating IMHappy and 3 times GSL champion IMNestea. Qualifying in the second place is none other than Zerg President, IMNestea. A huge surprise came from group B, where ObamaToss oGsMC is being knocked into the Up and Down matches by IMMvP and to one base all in by MVPNoblesse. MC handpicked IMMvP and the plan backfired on the Protoss hero. Will MC be knocked down into Code A?

Group A
IMNestea vs ZenexKyrix
SlayersMMA vs IMHAppy
IMNestea vs SlayersMMA
ZenexKyrix vs IMHappy
IMNestea vs IMHappy

Group A standings
1. SlayersMMA
2. IMNEstea
3. IMHappy
4. ZenexKyrix

Group B
IMMvP vs oGsMC
PoltPrime vs MVP_Noblesse
IMMvP vs PoltPrime
oGsMC vs MVP_Noblesse
PoltPrime vs MVP_NOblesse

Group B Standings
1. IMMvP
2. PoltPrime
3. MVP_Noblesse
4. oGsMC

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Latest Update on PTR - Infestor Nerfed Again

This is the latest update for the SC2 Public Testing Region.

Infestor’s Neural Parasite can no longer target Massive units.
 Zerg had another round of nerf in the form of Infestor. Previously, in the current PTR, Fungal Growth damage has been reduced from 36 (+30% armored) to 30 (40 vs Armored). Now Infestor can no longer Neural Parasite massive units. This change is indeed huge as they can no longer steals Massive units such as Thors, Colossus, Archons and massive air units such as Carriers, BattleCruisers and

This change is probably aim to nerf the Zerg late game against Protoss. Protoss has been having a hard time currently in the matchup as it is favouring Zergs. Late game Neural on the Colossi is indeed very strong and game breaking. Let's see that will this change follow through into the real patch 1.4.0

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Diablo 3 The Best Online Game Beta Revealed

The gates to hell has once again been unleashed. Blizzard Entertainment Inc has finally revealed the long awaited online game Diablo 3 Beta. Two decades has passed since the demonic lords Diablo, Maphisto and Baal had unleashed their wreath upon the World of Sanctuary.Players once again are being thrown back into the twisted realm of Diablo.

This time around in Diablo 3, gamers will be introduced with better and unseen before gorgeous 3D graphics with new introduced playstyle. In Diablo 3, players get to choose one of the five different character classes from the Demon Hunter, Monk, Wizard, Barbarian and Witch Doctor. Each hero is equipped with new and improved unique skills, spells and abilities to help you combat the terror within the hells of Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 online game Beta for Friends and Family only has started. This means that the Beta is currently available for friends and families of the employees of Blizzard Entertainment. The close beta for public will soon be revealed. Thus, if you are looking to have your hands on the latest Diablo 3 beta, make sure you are registered on the website in hopes of getting the Beta CD key. Good luck.

Here we have a sneak preview of the Diablo 3 Beta online game Login and Client.

GSL October Code S Players

GSL October Code S Progamer Player List

1. OptimusPrime
2. IMMvP
3. MVPKeen
4. oGsTop
5. SlayersRyung
6. SlayersMMA
7. ST_Bomber
8. ST_Virus
9. oGsNada
10. IMHappy
11. asd
12. TSL_Clide
13. MVP_Noblesse
14. TSL_Alive
15. oGsEnsnare
16. oGsSuperNova
17. SlayersTaeja

18. NsHoseo.Jjakji
19. MarineKingPrime
20. SlayersGanzi

1. ST_July
2. oGsZenio
3. IMNestea
4. SlayersCoca
5. Leenock
6. MVPDongRaeGu
7. IMLosira

1. EGHuk
2. SlayersPuzzle
3. HongUnPrime
4. TSL_Killer
5. MVPGenius

20 Terrans in GSL October Code S!!!

GSL October Code S will consist of 20 Terrans, 7 Zergs and 5 Protoss players. Yes you didn't read wrongly. TWENTY out of 32 Code S players are Terrans. We will be witnessing a lot of Terran vs Terran games in the upcoming GSL October Code S. It is no surprising that Terrans has been performing extremely well recently in both the Code S and Code A matches. Protoss pro gamers continue to fall out one after another from Code S. Even two times GSL champion oGsMC was given a one way ticket into Code A. Will this trend continue in the future?

Let's hope that the upcoming patch 1.40 will help to buff up the Protoss games. Is this what we call imbalance for a game? When a race is performing extremely well against the other two races, this is probably a sign of the game being imbalance. Currently, Starcraft 2 is heavily favouring the Terran race. Zergs has been doing not too bad as compared to Protoss. However, the number of Zergs within Code S
should be look into. 5 Protoss out of 32 is underwhelming.

Some argues that the best players and gamers around the world plays Terran. This is due to the easy transition from Starcraft Brood War trend. Some claims that Protoss players are bad and stuck with the 'Death Ball' mentality or being not creative enough. Some states that Terran is the perfect designed race which has the best macro and micro tools. Whatever the reasons are, we hope to see a more balance race distribution in the future. If a race shows too much dominance over the others this may affects and hurt the overall interest of the game itself. Let's hope that Starcraft 2 will improve and balanced up in the future.