


Rabu, 30 November 2011

SC2 2v2 Replays 20-2 Team Masters

Sup guys,

I have been playing some 2v2 team games with my mate nGenEclipse and we are currently 20-2 in Masters in our team games. We have been enjoying a long winning streak around 16 games. We're both Grandmasters for solo in SEA server and have been tearing up the 2v2 team games here. I am posting our most recent replays if you feel like watching some 2v2 Masters games. We are currently top 10 in 2v2 team games in SEA Masters. We're both playing Random for the fun of it and we do not have any fixed strategy and we just do whatever we feel like it within our games.

Do you think that 2v2 is purely massing units such as 4 Gating, Zerglings and Hellions? We will prove you wrong with our superior macro games. Enjoy the replays and post any feedback and comments. Cheers.

SC2 2v2 Replays

Senin, 28 November 2011

PvT Double Forge Build - History and Guide

If you have been following the latest Starcraft 2 games and casts in professional major tournaments such as the recent GSLs, MLG and Dreamhack, Protoss has been doing extremely well recently. The latest build that is used very often by the top professional gamers in the PvT matchup is currently the PvT Double Forge Build. Let's have a look at the brief history of this build. LiquidTyler is one of the very first Protoss out there to have tested with this build which utilizes the double Forge superior upgrades against the Terran arsenal. This was back during the early part of 2012 if I am not mistaken. The main focus of this build is to get double Forges early in the game. With the power of chaining Chrono Boost together with early upgrades, Protoss can have a superior army in the mid and late game. Tyler's build gained some popularity within the Western community for a short period of time. However, during the initial phase this build was not refined.

Skipping to months later the first Korean that showed to the world how to property use a Double Forge Build was a lesser known Korean Protoss professional gamer, CreatorPrime. Creator first revealed this build during the GSTL against team IM (if I am not mistaken), where he was able to take down ~3 of the top Terrans in Korea including the best Terran in the world currently, IMMvP
with this build alone. Suddenly the Double Forge build surge in popularity overnight and is one of the most commonly used builds in the PvT from Battlenet online games in every server to real live tournament events.

With the latest patch where Protoss upgrades for Level 2 and 3 Weapon and Armor as well as Shield Upgrades being reduced, this gave another major Boost to the heavy Forge Upgrade Protoss builds. Previously Ghost has been the scariest and fearsome unit when Protoss opts for the heavy Gateway army builds instead of Colossus builds. The EMP range has been nerfed and reduced. This proved to heavily favoured Protoss as Protoss players around the world began to win the PvT matchup where it was previously heavily favouring the Terran favour.

If you have seen Creator's game, he was able to pull off this build exactly the same or close to perfection every game with minor timing changes. There is no doubt that this player has spent countless of hours practicing and perfecting this build alone. You should be doing the same if you wish to practice this build to near perfection.

Let's take a look at what this PvT Double Forge Build really is. In the general perspective of the strategy for this build, you should be aiming for an expansion early in the game with 3 Gateways with Warpgates Ready. This is most commonly done with the 1 Gate expansion builds where maps are generally getting larger and the removal of close spawn position. Protoss generally favour larger and longer traveling distance maps. On the other hand, Terran always opts for a closer distance.

Why is this so? The answer lies in the design of both races. Protoss generally is a less mobile race and heavily leans towards the late game powerhouse of Colossus and Storms to gain significant advantage and efficiency in army trading. Terran on the other hand is designed being a haressing race where significant advantage is gained once the Stim upgrade is done together with the Marine, Marauder, Medivac combo. The Bio ball is strongest during the early and mid phase of the game once the important upgrades are being completed. Terran can trade armies with Protoss very cost efficiently during these phases. As the game goes on, the game favours towards the Protoss slowly. This is just the general definition of the matchup.

Let's take a look at the PvT Double Forge Build being done by CreatorPrime. This build order is taken from Artosis's blog. All credit goes to him.

Double Forge Build Order
9 Pylon (Chrono Probes 2x)
12 Gate
14 Gas
17 Core
18 Zealot
22 Stalker (Chrono)
24 Pylon
Stalker (Chrono)
30 Nexus

Up to this point is the very standard 1 Gate expansion in the PvT matchup with 3 Units - Zealot, Stalker, Stalker. This is probably the best build currently.

31-34 Gate, Gate, Gas, Pylon or Gas, Gate, Gate, Pylon
38 Robotics Facility
2 Observers
50 3rd and 4th Gas
67 Forge, Forge (Chrono a lot)
75 Twilight Council
Research Blink Upgrade first (You need this to deal with Medivac Drops) then Charge (Chrono)
99 3 More Gateways + Robotics Bay
110 Colossus + Range+ 3rd Base
3rd Finish - 4 More Gateways, 3-3 Upgrade, Templar Archieve

You can make slightly changes to the build when facing against different Terran strategies. In general, the outline for this build is:
  • 1 Gate Expansion
  • 3 Gate, Robo, 2nd gas
  • 2 Forge
  • Twilight Council- Blink then Charge
  • 3 More Gateways + Robotics Bay
  • 3rd Base- 4 Gateways
Keep Chrono Boosting your Upgrades all the time. Once you understand the general outline of this build, you should be practicing it many many times. You should change your build if you sense your opponent is doing some sort of all in or 1-1-1 builds.

This is one of the best builds in the current PvT matchup metagame.

VileYong is currently in team Vile. Yong has been doing this build a lot in his PvT games. Yong was previously the Rank 1 Grandmasters player in the North American Server with impressive win rates of ~80%

Artosis Blog

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Who is TiGerSPR with 90-5 record in SEA GM?

If you are playing at the SEA Starcraft 2 server, you will come across this name being ranked number 1 on the server with a astounding record of 90-5 in Grandmasters? Who do you think he is? First of all, this guy is definitely a Korean pro gamer. Only pros can get this record in the relatively less known South East Asian server. At first, I thought TIgerSPR is Slayers_Tiger. However upon confirmation with SoulmanSPR, TigerSPR is lOvShinyStar, a Code A GSL professional Gamer in Korea. You can probably have watched some of his games in GSL.

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Siege Tank Leapfrog with Shift

I have been playing as Terran in my team games recently and have been performing the Siege Tank Leapfrog that crawls towards my opponents base very often. For those of you who does not know what this term means, its basically you Siege up your tanks further away from your opponent's base and slowly moving your tanks furthest at the back to the front and repeat until you are near enough to your opponents, thus crawling your tanks slowly towards them. The strongest point of Siege Tanks whether back in the days of Brood war and now Starcraft 2 is their impressive range 13. This unit has the longest range in the game itself making it the best unit to contain your opponents.

Here's some tips to leapfrog your tanks for you Terran players out there.

- To unsiege a tank press 'D'
- Immediately right click to the location you wish to position the tank

- and hold down Shift and press 'E'

Basically what this does is to unsiege your tank and to have it Siege up at the new location. Once you press 'D' you can immediately Right Click somewhere without waiting for the unsiege animation. Thus, this is a cute little trick to Leapfrog your Tanks when containing your opponents. You can pay more attention to your other units such as Marines or Vikings.

Sentry Drop to deny Mining like Oracle

This Sentry drop deny mining crossed my mind when I was going over the Oracle in HOTS again and read on Teamliquid somewhere about the 4 Sentry Warp Prism drop to Forcefield workers from escaping but I can't seem to find it. I hope some one can link the video and original post here.

You can basically disrupt all mining at a mineral line with 4 Force Fields. According to Liquidpedia here

-At 2 SCVs/mineral and 3 SCVs/gas, a base with 8 minerals and 2 gas will harvest ~672 minerals and ~215 gas per game minute.

-A fully saturated base with 8 minerals and 2 gas will harvest ~816 minerals and ~228 gas per game minute.

A force field lasts 15 seconds. If you can deny 2 workers mineral line, it will cost your opponent 168 minerals. If it is fully saturated it will cost them 204 minerals. This does not include any mining form Mules.

Let's take a look at a rough build.

-9 Pylon
-13 Gate>scout
-14 Gas
-16 Pylon
-18 Core
- 23 2nd Gas
-Robo after first Sentry

When your Warp Prism is done, Your Sentries will have slightly less than 4 Force Fields but by the time you reach your opponents base, you should have 4. Load your initial 4 units into Warp Prism and head to his mineral line and drop them. Cast 4 Force Fields to block off all mining. In addition your army will take down a couple of SCVs here.

For eg if you managed to kill 3 SCVs, you have just dealt 150+168=318 to 150+204= 354 minerals. That's a lot of damage at early phase of the game. You can also scout your opponent's army composition and tech path with this. This indirectly forces your opponent to be more careful like what the Oracle does by keeping some army at the mineral line.

Risk and Downside
-Is it justifiable to use your initial Force Fields to deal this damage? I don't know, just make sure your opponent isn't pushing across the map with your Probe at Watch tower.

-Your opponent will still get to mine the extra minerals if it goes to long macro mine out main base.

-I have not tried any other builds except, the Gate + Robo build. Probably something can be worked out with 1 Gate Double gas expand, into Robo 2 Gate. Fast expanding is getting very common

-Is the cost to get a Robo and Warp Prism justified for itself? You can get Obs too. Dealing ~340 damage early game is a lot. That is close to an expansion.

-The drop will most likely only work once.

You can also load some 4 Sentries and drop them at Zerg's main and natural to deal around 300+ damage and scouting too.

This is just an idea so feel free to comment.

Sometimes you may miss a mineral patch.

Edit: I feel this is a better way than boxing against Terran, as Terran can just lift the Command Centre. 

My GM in Season 4, Have you got yours?

Grandmasters league for season 4 Starcraft 2 just came alive today. I got back my GM back after getting kicked out for having too much bonus pool last season. Lol. Have you gotten yours? If not it is time to put up some training and grab a spot for yourself in the top 200 for your server.

From this season onwards, every Season for SC2 battlenet will last only 2 months. It is no longer 3+months like previously. This is mainly due to most players playing less games after the initial month or two according to Blizzard's research. GrandMasters league will be available one week after ladder reset from 2 weeks previously.

Good luck.